Home NYS Hockey West Buffalo Stars Seeking Players

Buffalo Stars Seeking Players


Buffalo Stars have a couple House League Openings


(Cheektowaga, NY) –   The Buffalo Stars Hockey Organization has a few openings in their House League Hockey Program. The openings are for their MOHL (Multiple Organization House League) teams.  A goaltender and a forward or defenseman are needed for both a Peewee (age 11-12) and Bantam (age 13-14) team.


Contact Stars VP/House Dave Lynch at: 253-3157


The Stars also have openings in their Mite (ages 6-7) Cross Ice Hockey Program. Contact Pete Preteroti at 491-0375 for details.  Open Registrations will take place at Holiday Twin Rinks on September 10 and 17 from 6:00-7:00pm.


For more information about the Buffalo Stars, visit us on line at: www.buffalostars.com