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$125,080 funding to protect children in Canberra


Senator for the ACT, Kate Lundy, today welcomed the Australian Government’s commitment of $125,080 funding to support Woden Community Service and Barnados in Canberra. 

The ‘Protecting Australia’s Children’ program is aimed at developing the strength and resilience of children and families to prevent child abuse and neglect, and provide additional support to those children who have suffered abuse or neglect.

The funding was announced by the Federal Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Jenny Macklin, as part of a $3.1 million commitment to support 50 child protection projects nationally.

“The Government’s support will enable these organisations to further support children who are at risk of harm and their families,” Senator Lundy said.

The successful projects include an early intervention pilot led by Woden Community Services in collaboration with eight community organisations to test a case management and coordination model for children and families who are reported to the ACT Government child protection service.

“Such a case management and coordination model across local organisations with the cross over of information will assist in targeting prevention, early intervention and remedial services for children at risk in the ACT and Australia wide.”

Ms Macklin said the Australian Government is working with states and territories to develop new strategies to provide broad family support as well as more intensive, targeted services for those families which are in need of more help.

“It is our priority to identify children and families at risk and intervene early before a crisis develops,” Ms Macklin said.

A full list of the projects is available at: http://www.fahcsia.gov.au/sa/families/funding/Pages/ProtectingAustraliaChildrenFunding-Further31million.aspx.

Media contact: Annika Hutchins 0407 458 882