Home Youth 2015-16 HarborCenter Cup Youth Hockey Tournament Schedule Announced

2015-16 HarborCenter Cup Youth Hockey Tournament Schedule Announced


BUFFALO, N.Y. (April 7, 2015) — HARBORCENTER Vice President and Director of Hockey Nik Fattey today announced the schedule for the 2015-2016 HARBORCENTER Cup youth hockey tournaments. The upcoming season’s schedule will feature 25 individual tournaments, serving both boys and girls from ages five to 18, at the AAA, AA, Tier 1 and Tier 2 levels.

“We were thrilled by the outstanding level of competition displayed in the 2014-2015 HARBORCENTER Cup tournaments,” Fattey said. “Many of last year’s visiting teams have spoken highly of their experience and have already expressed a desire to return to Buffalo. We’re thrilled to again welcome the Junior Sabres organization, who will operate as the host organization for all of our AAA tournaments again this year. Additionally, with the addition of our full service Marriott Hotel, this year’s tournament experience will get even better.”

HARBORCENTER Cup hockey tournaments feature a four game guarantee, with all games sanctioned by USA Hockey and played at the two-rink downtown Buffalo complex on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. There are no gate fees for games and all contests are streamed live in high definition, free of charge at HARBORCENTER.com. All teams participating in HARBORCENTER Cup Tournaments will also receive and educational experience in off-ice training with a dynamic warmup from IMPACT Sports Performance, operators of HARBORCENTER’s 5,000 square foot high-performance off-ice training facility. The full tournament schedule is below.