Home High School $64,000 grant awarded for local innovation

$64,000 grant awarded for local innovation


ACT Senator Kate Lundy today congratulated local company Cubbyhole Pty Ltd on being awarded a Commercialising Emerging Technologies (COMET) AusIndustry grant by the Australian Government to help commercialise its online loyalty program, social community software and virtual wallet.

“I’m delighted to announce that Cubbyhole Pty Ltd has received a $64,000 grant to help bring their exciting product to the marketplace,” Senator Lundy said.

The company has developed “Perkler” an emerging online community for loyalty reward users. Consumers can log all their rewards programs in a virtual wallet, search across programs based on where they are and what they like, and be part of an active community that will help them learn and make the most out of their loyalty portfolio.

For loyalty and reward program providers, “Perkler” seeks to be the dominant brand in creating active members in retail loyalty through personalising perks and increasing timely awareness of programs through both web and mobile platforms. COMET funding will be used for Strategic Business Planning and Intellectual Property Strategy activities.

Senator Lundy has congratulated Cubbyhole for taking a great idea and running with it, a decision that benefits not only the company, but the local Canberra economy.

Cubbyhole was one of 33 Australian small businesses to receive grants totaling $2.1 million in the last COMET funding.

This grant will allow the company to gain advice through a COMET Business Adviser on a business plan, market research and intellectual property strategies.

“The Government will continue to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Australia’s innovative businesses during these difficult economic times,” Senator Lundy said.

“AusIndustry is responsible for more than 30 programs to help Australian businesses, including innovation grants, tax and duty concessions, small business development, industry support and venture capital.

“I urge local companies to contact AusIndustry- the Government’s business program delivery division- to see if they are eligible to apply for a COMET or any other grant.

For more information on AusIndustry grants, including how to apply, go to www.ausindsutry.gov.au or call the hotline on 13 28 46.

Media contact: Annika Hutchins on 0407 458 882
Cubbyhole Pty Ltd contact: Justin Barrie on 0423 302 814