Home Girls/Womens Pavone Honored by WNYGVIH Federation

Pavone Honored by WNYGVIH Federation

Bill Pavone (left) receives the first James Rusin Award for Contributions to the WNYGVIH Federation. (Photo by Janet Schultz)

Bill Pavone received the First James Rusin Award for Contributions to the Western New York Girl’s Varsity Ice Hockey Federation.

Presenting the award was Williamsville Head Coach Rick Hopkins, who was the first person to come to a group of parents and hockey supporters with the idea of a girls varsity league.

Pavone contacted parents, went to Board meetings and has been an active participant in the League since it’s grassroots beginnings five years ago. He is still, even after his daughter Laura graduated from the program, attends games on a very regular basis. Laura is also seen in the stands whenever she can.

NY Hockey On-line thanks Bill for all his support, as well as all the others who worked so hard to make this dream a reality.

On to Year Four in 2013-14!

Bill Pavone (left) receives the first James Rusin Award for Contributions to the WNYGVIH Federation. (Photo by Janet Schultz)