Home Minors Senators Meet The Team Date Set

Senators Meet The Team Date Set


BINGHAMTON, N.Y. – The Binghamton Senators announced the date for the annual “Meet the Team” night at Tioga Downs Casino located at 2384 West River Road in Nichols, New York. This year’s event will take place Monday, November 3, and is open to the public.

Players and coaches will be available for autographs starting at 6:00p.m. followed by hor d’oeuvres at 6:30p.m. Those in attendance will enjoy a 7:00p.m. dinner with a Binghamton Senators player or coach seated at their table. There will be limited seating available for this great event!

Tickets include a $10.00 FREE PLAY for those 18-years-and-older and an automatic entry into a raffle for tickets to a Binghamton Senators home game.

Tickets are $30.00 for those 18-years-and-older and include a ticket for the November 7 game, $20.00 for Binghamton Hockey Booster Club members and $15.00 for 3 to 17 years old. Children 2 and younger are free.

Tickets can be purchased online by the link below or by contacting the Binghamton Senators Office at (607) 722-7367.The Binghamton Senators Executive Office will be selling tickets Monday-Friday from 9:00a.m. to 5:30p.m. Tickets will also be available for purchase during the October 30 game in the Executive Office during the first and second intermissions.