Home Youth Players Needed For Video Series

Players Needed For Video Series


NewEdge Hockey Development Academy owner and Professional Trainer Rob Sedia has been contracted to provide player development content for the Nation’s #1 Hockey Coach Resource Website.

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Phase 1: Format Testing

We are looking for 4-8 players in the 2005-2007 birth year range and AA / AAA skill level for on-ice phase 1 format testing at Bill Gray’s Regional Iceplex. Coach Sedia will be putting the players through a series of skill drills and explaining the finer details and development scope within the drills.

Date:  Saturday, February 1, 2020
Time:  7:45am – 9:45am
Location: Bill Gray’s Regional Iceplex Rink 1

Participants will receive complimentary – custom NewEdge Hockey jersey and socks.

If interested in participating please email:  [email protected]

Please note, you will need to receive confirmation in order to attend.