Home Youth $150.00 Howies Hockey Gift Bag Give-Away

$150.00 Howies Hockey Gift Bag Give-Away

NewEdge Hockey Development Academy is giving away a Howies Hockey Gift Bag valued at $150.00!


If your birth year falls in the 2005 – 2012 range, you qualify to submit a “hockey” themed drawing to be entered in this contest! The winner will be selected by the NewEdge Hockey Board of Directors and the winner will be notified via email. NEHDA will announce the winner and show the drawing to our email database of 160,000 people!

Drawing must be on a standard 8.5 X 11 sheet of paper.

Any/all “hockey” themes qualify.

Submission deadline is Tuesday April 7th at 5:00pm.

1 Submission per participant.

Submitted drawings that do not have the following information will not qualify:

– Valid email address
– Participant’s First / Last Name
– Participant’s Birth Year

Just take a picture of your drawing and send it to:  [email protected]