One of the problems society has is selecting and encouraging leaders.Too much is required of the process of competition.Too little is done to develop those men or women suitable for public management.There is often insuffecient scope for leaders to demonstrate relevance unless they seize the moment.The problems leaders solve and the value they add to public managemnt means leaders may be required to develop and nurture considerable courage in themselves.Consequently there needs to be developed in accountability frameworks the concept that leaders have rights similar to others and may have additional ones due to the uncertainty and vulnerability of their role.Others may escape such close examination.
Accountability frameworks unnecessarily emphasise the role the role dissapointment can lead to severe stress for a leader. Accountability frameworks can therefore be counterproductive or irrelevant when it is acknowledged leaders have rights even when performance is poor.Such rights emophasise the humanity of leaders, which when accepted can lead to a deepining of experience then making possible improvements in performance.
Too much effort has been wasted in leadership development everywhere by relying on the sometimes destructive roole of interpersonl competition and often the survival of the fittest.There is need for mechanisms and inspiration to be devised so society can benefit and leadership in be more effective and efficient.
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