Home High School Chasing hot air…

Chasing hot air…


There were a lot of bleary eyes when the first of the Kaleen- Heydon Guides rose at 4.30am on April 14 to take part in the Balloon Fiesta as ground crew for the Liberty House Balloon. The girls helped launch the balloon, chased it around Canberra and went crazy rolling all over the balloon to deflate it. Pilot Paul Gibbs was enthusiastic about their involvement “I was a Scout myself here in Canberra, so it is great to be involved again. We really want to encourage grass roots community involvement in the Balloon Fiesta and working with Guides is a great way to encourage that.” The girls were delighted with the event and already eagerly look forward to taking part in the Balloon Fiesta next year. 1st Kaleen-Heydon Guides meets every Tuesday night during term in Kaleen. For more information, contact Nikki Coleman on 6253 8232 or 0405 619 715.