The Marx Brothers movies were great fun and a sensation due to political issues prior to the onset of world war two. If you would like to make suggestions, join the team, be a sponsor or provide donations or goods in kind to support what should be a sell out event then please call – Stephen Kendal of Kingston ACT 0262910764 or mobile 0406377047.
W e need some expertise to plan, select a venue, do some background research on each of the shows, develop technical support to show the films on screen, plan a promotional time table and manage all expenses such as those of distributors for copy right or other intellectual or property rights which need to be paid so what is done is not just enjoyable but viable financially.
If what we get together proves the right way to go there may be scope to negotiate the festival for audiences in other locations-even interstate. Export to New Zealand may be a goer too but of course that is ambitious at this stage.