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The Social Side of Sustainable Development


The social side of sustainability
By Stina Kerans

Our understanding of the interconnectedness of our housing with many of society’s ills is vitally important to our future. We could well eliminate many of our health and social issues instead of spending billions of dollars on band-aiding them, simply by the way we arrange our housing.
An important issue arises when we look to a new way of thinking about housing for the future.
Medium and high density housing developments are beyond the control of one aware individual or small group. Local and State building codes, property developers and banks control the design of housing developments and our suburbs, and will continue to do so unless the general public presents alternative models and work together towards directing future development.
More controls equals more money, higher housing prices and all ‘the crap’ that goes with this. This issue touches every one of us in numerous different ways, and we can all be “one brick in the wall”.

The solution?

  1. Educate the public-this will eventually lead to market demand
  2. Have people interested in these issues work together to bring about the required changes from the top down.

A PowerPoint presentation that explores and explains the ‘human element-the social side of sustainable development’ will be delivered at the Sydney Eco Forum later in February 2010. 
You can find the presentation at 
Live presentations are provided to any individual or group upon request. Please contact Stina Kerans on (02)  6297 3401 OR 0428 268 935 or at