Home Youth February 2010 Monthly Predictions

February 2010 Monthly Predictions


February 2010 Predictions
Predictions for February 2010 by Roseline Deleu

CAREER – Have you allowed yourself to carry too much ‘on your back’, to do too much, to manage too many projects? It is time to step back in order to move forward smoothly this time, one step at the time! Indispensible people are filling cemeteries. Do your work the best you can while allowing equilibrium in your life. Relax and enjoy your journey on this planet!

LOVE – This month, you are mastering an old repetitive challenge in regards to relationships. You are now able to observe that recurring pattern and today, you are capable to react differently by making other choices. Well done!

FAMILY – Finally!… you open your eyes and start seeing your Past as a precious jewel that shaped you. Look at all the challenges you solved and how strong you are today!

WEALTH – ‘Ask and you shall receive.’ Ask for something specific and see how fast the Universe presents it to you on one of its ‘gold platter’. Be reassured. YES, it is for you! Grasp those great opportunities with both hands!

YOU – ‘You are so beautiful!’ When did you remind yourself last? A little exercise for this month: at least once a week, go out in the garden, protect yourself (for ex. put a halo of white light all around you), then with your bare feet in the grass connect with the ‘Earth’ to re-charge your batteries; simultaneously open briefly your crown chakra and let the ‘Heaven’ energy go through your spine from the top of your head down to your feet. Close off this connection a few moments later, when you are ready. Wash your hands and face with clear water. Feel good.

HELP – A plethora of helpers are coming your way. Humans, angels, guides, God. all of them! They are definitely present around you in the next few weeks. So, what are you waiting for? They are here to help – so. DELEGATE!

CHILDREN – Become the child you forgot you could be! Look how a seed is growing – this seed can be an idea, your child, a new creation. Become passionate about it, this is what you were longing for: passion and excitement.

STUDY, OPENNESS – Interestingly enough, the key word ‘Fertility’ that was in January’s predictions and is back again in February! This month is very ‘fertile’ for those who were challenged with pregnancies in the past. For others, loads of ideas are crowding your head, write them down on your notepad and take action to see them ‘come to life’.

SELF CONFIDENCE – Feeling a bit lonely and grumpy at times? Go out in nature and
e x e r c i s e to boost those happy hormones!

A little surprise for you, these Feb 2010 predictions are illustrated In a short video Clip on
“FengShuiSteps” YouTube Channel – Enjoy!