Home Junior A New Home With A New Name

A New Home With A New Name


By Joe Soccoa–

LONG BEACH, NY – It’s no secret the New York Aviators were moving on from the Aviator Sports and Events center. With a new move comes a new name and logo. It is now official that the New York Aviators will be changing their team name with their new move to the Long Beach Ice Arena. They will now be the Long Beach Sharks. It’s an exciting time to be part of the Sharks organization and although there is a new team and new location, the goals and expectations remain the same.

The announcement comes on the heels of an already confirmed story that the NY Aviators were moving to the Long Beach Ice Arena and so with that a new team name and logo was in order including new jerseys. There had been hints for weeks there was a fresh new start coming for the now former Aviators team. There is a lot of excitement to look forward to as this process will continue to grow.

In an official statement from team Owner Jim Loughran he couldn’t be more excited for this move.

“It’s the dawning of a new era for our Junior program that includes a new home rink and a new identity to set the stage for the 2016-17 season. Moving forward we will be known as the Long Beach Sharks as we embrace our new home in Long Beach that offers a beautiful environment for our players and fans! We look forward to bringing the people of Long Beach a competitive program that they can root for, for many years to come”.

Stay tuned for more updates as more news continues to follow this historic and exciting announcement!!