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A Recap of Hockey Day In Lockport


(This is a note that came from the Cornerstone Arena in Lockport, NY)
Howell Motors Ford Hockey Day In Lockport was a great success this past Saturday! We would like to thank Mike Landers and Howell Motors for all they do for the event.

Our Public Skate had 275 people that donated canned goods or $2. All money and canned goods collected were donated to The Salvation Army.

The Buffalo Skating Club put on a successful skating show and bake sale for the arena.
We had a few Lockport Lock Monsters youth games and a 6u/8u Jamboree. Both LHS alumni games were exciting and close games. Lockport Varsity beat NT in a non-league game. Royhart/Barker/Medina and Wilson Newfane had an alumni game vs. each other.

The 2021 and 2022 Howell Motors Hockey Hall Of Fame inductees were announced. Class of 2021:Players- Steve LaTona, Casey Bull and Jeff ShaftCoaches- Jim and Don UrtelContributors- Mike Goldstein
Class of 2022:Players- Nick Rosetti, Seth Hamilton and Mike O’ReillyContributors- Quint Ernst and Ron Truax.
Congratulations to all of the Inductees and mark your calendars for May 7, 2022 for the ceremony. We will also honor the Class of 2020 that night. It’s going to be a great party!

Todd Sukdolak presented flags to the Lockport Ice Arena Board of Directors and The Grigg Lewis Foundation. The flags were flown over Afghanistan on April, 29th 2014 by the 746th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

Visit the Facebook page for information on next year’s event.

(NY Hockey OnLine Photo)