Home Youth A village can make a difference

A village can make a difference

Steve Howarth, Tim Davis and Nathan Lee just three of the Mo Jasper team helping to raise awareness of men''s health issues during Movember.

Wee Jasper is a tiny village. Whilst only an hour from Canberra it really can feel remote at times. The Australian Bureau of Statistics puts the population at 80 but no-one has ever really been able to confirm it.

When someone is ill, or worse, in a place like Wee Jasper the impact is felt throughout the tight-knit community.

This year the whole village decided to do something to raise awareness of men’s health issues, particularly prostate cancer and depression. Issues that have directly affected the community in recent times.

As part of the Movember initiative, team Mo Jasper was born, with Captain Janet Bell at the helm. Thirty-five members have already registered. There are a lot of Mo Bros, and one or two Mo Sisters, in Wee Jasper.

"Men’s health is a big issue around here," said Janet, who is also the proprietor of The Stables Tavern in Wee Jasper, "We’ve lost a few in recent times. They can be a tight-mouthed bunch these blokes so if growing a mo can raise some money and get men talking about important health issues then it’s worth it."

Wee Jasper put out the call and the Mo Bros answered. Everyone from station hands, shearers, local business people, council workers, graziers, visitors and campers who frequent the beautiful valley are taking part.

It’s not just locals supporting team Mo Jasper. Wee Jasper is the sort of place that sticks in your heart once you have spent some time there. Donations are coming in from all over Australia and members are signing up from the Riverina, Southern Highlands, Sydney, the Illawarra and the A.C.T.

As the captain of the Mo Jasper team, Janet can’t believe the response.

"We have had donations from people from all over New South Wales, some have even signed up and are growing moustaches for the cause. It’s a great feeling to know that people support Movember and our community. Some people have been visiting here for thirty or more years. It’s like one big, extended family." Janet said.

Team Mo Jasper plans on celebrating the end of a hairy month on 28 November at The Stables Tavern with a classic Motown party. Moleskins, boots and Akubras will be swapped for flares, platforms shoes and ‘fros.

No doubt there will be a staggering variety of mos on display and it’s a terrific opportunity for those who can’t grow a mo to take part and donate to a very worthy cause.

Movember raises money for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia and beyondblue: the national depression initiative.

For further information on Movember and the Movember Foundation go to www.movember.com.au. You can donate to the Mo Jasper team on the site also or contact Janet Bell on 02 62279619.