Home NYS Hockey West Alex Lynch: Stars Student/Athlete for October 13

Alex Lynch: Stars Student/Athlete for October 13

The Buffalo Stars Student/Athlete for the week of October 13th isAlex Lynch.  He is taking AP US History, honors pre-calculus, honors computer integrated manufacturing, honors digital electronics, honors chemistry.  His overall average for last year was a 97.2.
Player Name Alex Lynch
Age 16
Height/ Weight 5’6″ / 125 lbs.
Position Defense
Hometown Lancaster
School & Grade Lancaster High School 11th
Favorite Subject Tech
Hobbies Hockey, guitar, xbox, ski/snowboarding, fishing
NHL Player Datsyuk
College Team None
Music Everything
Movie Fast and Furious Series
TV Show South Park
Future Plans Do great this season, go to college, become famous engineer
Academic Achievments/Programs High honor roll
Other Sports You Play None
Goals for this season Win tournaments, have great season, score