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Ami Williamson's debut album "Close to Home"



Ami Williamson has arrived, independent, con?dent and with a debut album that leaves no 

question that songwriting excellence is a genetic trait within her family. 

Her album, ‘Close to Home’ is not what you ?rst expect from a Williamson, after all her 

father is country music icon John Williamson. But you won’t be disappointed either but 

rather impressed. 

Ami Williamson has her own style, her own voice, lyrics and melodies to stand alone. She is 

a trained singer/pianist and a graduate of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music (where she 

was awarded a scholarship for excellence to continue studies in Opera in Germany) as well as 

an AMEB 8th Grade Piano student. Ami has also worked with Opera Australia, State Opera 

of South Australia and sung under the baton of world famous conductor Richard Bonynge. 

This training obviously combined with her experience from touring nationally and 

internationally several times over along with her natural ability and creative expression has 

given Ami all the tools to deliver the beguiling and impressive “Close to Home”. 

The ten track album captures your attention from the ?rst song. “We Travel in Cars” 

immediately makes you stop and listen. Haunting, catchy, infectious and engaging. it is a 

statement from Ami Williamson whether she realizes it or not. forget who you think she 

might be or sound like. Ami’s sound is unique and her astounding ONE WOMAN SHOW has 

seen her carve her own niche in the entertainment industry. She sings like and angel, she 

plays piano, drums, dulcimer, she dances and engages her audience and leaves them shouting 

for more. "My main goal is to entertain and write songs about the people who inspire me" 

said Ami. This natural born performer has toured with some of the biggest names in the 

business from Angry Anderson to Kate Soprano and Beccy Cole " I learn something from 

every performer I work with and from every crowd I perform to!" said Ami. 

Track three, “The Soldiers Wife” is raw, emotive and pays tribute to the married women of 

servicemen, no doubt in?uenced from her time overseas entertaining posted troops (Ami was 

invited to entertain troops in the Solomon Islands and in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2008). "The 

Soldier’s Wife" also pays homage to the role grandparents play in society and is dedicated to 

her grandmother. 

Her inclusions of personal story, family and in?uences are evident throughout the entire 

album. Whether it is a tribute to her sister (Track 5 – "My Sister and I") or her husband 

(Track 8 – "Beautiful") you cannot help but lose yourself in her distinct voice and endearing 


Ami Williamson could have recorded an album ten years ago.  She would have had the 

resources, connections and ability to do it; instead she waited, waited until she had a fan base 

and the right material to represent herself as an artist with substance making her own mark in 

the Australian Music industry. 

A show girl, an entertainer, lyricist, and songwriter. Ami Williamson doesn’t query taking 

risks and making her own stand. You will be impressed; you will be surprised whilst also 

being excited as to what else is to come from Australia’s ?rst daughter of Australian music. 

“Music is universal; it transcends simply being boxed into a genre or style. I believe that if 

music speaks to you then it’s good regardless of labels or image. 

Songwriting and performing feels so natural to me; it feels innate as though in the blood. It is 

who I am and what I need in my everyday to make sense of life. I am really proud of "Close 

to Home" and so glad I waited to record the right songs, it’s the right time and I’m taking 

each day, gig and reaction as they come” said Ami. 

Ami Williamson’s debut album ‘Close to Home’ is available now! 

Visit :www.amiwilliamson.com to order or for forthcoming tour dates. 

For more information, images, quotes or interviews please contact Ami Williamson HQ on 

(02) 98686269 or email [email protected] 


“There’s enough variety in the talents of Ami Williamson to keep milk fresh for centuries!” 

-The Sydney Morning Herald. 

“She has toured Australia several times over. She’s graduated from the Sydney 

Conservatorium of Music and Ensemble Acting Studios. Daughter of Australian music legend 

John Williamson, Ami Williamson is an artist in her own right and bringing audiences to their 


-The Canberra Times. 

“Ami’s show is one of the most original I’ve seen in a long time. She has a rare talent and a 

natural ?air for lyrics; this is an artist to watch.” 

-Eric Bogel, Australian Folk Music Pioneer. 

“What do you get when you mix an entertainer with a songwriter? An opera singer with a 

comedian? A folk singer with a set of drums? A show girl with a poet…Ami Williamson! 

– The Canberra Times.