Home Uncategorized Announcement of The Weereewa Festival Short Story Competition awards including the Milton...

Announcement of The Weereewa Festival Short Story Competition awards including the Milton Simms Medal

Weereewa, Lake George

On Saturday 28 March between 5 and 6pm  Awards for the Weereewa Festival Short Story Com[petition will be announced. The awards include the Milton Sims medal, which is named in honour of Milton Simms, a former Australian National University librarian. Also a long-time Bungendore resident, Sims lobbied in his position as Yarrowlumla deputy mayor to secure funds to build the Bungendore Library and school hall. The medal for the open section will be of silver and designed by X Gallery’s Xanthe Gay. There are awards in the other two sections for stories by Junior primary school children and Intermediate primary school children.

The theme for the Open Section, is “Shoreline” – a beginning or ending of place: scope, extent, and story?

The theme for school-aged entrants is: "Secrets of the Lake", as Weereewa or Lake George as many people still call it, is renown for its many so-called secrets.