Home Uncategorized ANU supports Canberra schools in Outback Rescue in rural Queensland

ANU supports Canberra schools in Outback Rescue in rural Queensland


The Australian National University is entering the only high school team outside of Queensland in the UAV Challenge – Outback Rescue, open to all Australian high schools.

The Challenge is an international competition held in Kingaroy on 23-25 September and features UAVs, pilotless aircraft either remote controlled or flown autonomously with a pre-programmed flight plan.

Students design and build their own UAVs, which then mount an Outback rescue mission, delivering emergency supplies to someone lost in the bush. They compete for an ultimate prize of $10,000.

The Canberra team, Future Scientists of Canberra, is also the only multi school team in the competition, involving 30 students from 12 different Canberra schools.

Tourism, Regional Development and Industry Minister Desley Boyle said the Challenge was a great opportunity for students to get involved in aviation.

"The Challenge will broaden the students’ horizons, providing them with industry contacts and potentially open doors to careers in aviation," Ms Boyle said.

Australian National University Fellow Uwe Zimmer who’s been overseeing the team’s entry sees the Challenge as a great opportunity for the students.

"It gets them thinking about opportunities after high school and the direction they might like to take, serving as a great stepping stone to future education and careers in the industry," Dr Zimmer said.

"All the students have been very impressive so far. They’re switched on, coordinated and dedicated to the project, plus they appreciate being treated as adults, and acting accordingly."

The UAV Challenge is a joint initiative between the Queensland Government, the Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation (ARCAA, a partnership between QUT and CSIRO) and Boeing Australia Limited.

For further information on the UAV Challenge – Outback Rescue visit www.uavoutbackchallenge.com.au