We’re not talking about your current job; we’re talking about your archetype—the aspect of your personality that influences how you are in life.
Some of you will know immediately which archetype best describes you; others will need to find out—and sociologist Elizabeth Puttick Ph.D. has written a book about the 7 personality types that will help you to find out.
“These personality types, called ‘Roles,’ represent the core or essence of our being and determine our primary ways of being in the world”, says Puttick. “The roles do not refer to professions and are not identical with work roles, although there are strong associations. Your Role motivates and drives you; it colours how you see the world, affects how you express yourself and relate to other people, and determines what kind of work you are best suited to. It even influences your fashion sense, food preferences and choice of leisure activities.”
Puttick’s 7 Personality Types: Discover Your True Role in Achieving Success and Happiness helps you to establish which archetype is yours and outlines how you can access the strength, the gifts, and the creative power that your true nature holds.
“Despite the associations of their names, all roles are equal and have unlimited potential. A King is as likely to be born into a poor family as a palace, but will still display leadership qualities. It is no better to be a Priest than a Server—who has many advantages, including greater ease in one-to-one relationships. The Roles function more like a team than a hierarchy. They are all important and vital to the greater harmony, like the instruments of an orchestra.”
“I guarantee that it is worth making a commitment to this process of self-discovery and that you will find the results transformative”, says Puttick.
So, at a brief glance, which one are you?
*The Artisan: Artisans specializse in creativity. They are the great innovators, always seeing or inventing something new, fresh, and unique.
Famous Artisans: Frank Lloyd Wright, Andy Warhol, Elvis Presley
The Sage: The key to this personality is communication, mainly through words, but also through performance. Sages are the storytellers of the tribe.
Famous Sages: Lawrence Olivier, Whoopi Goldberg, Mark Twain
The Server: Servers bring inspiration into every aspect of daily life. They have excellent relationship skills. They motivate others with tireless support.
Famous Servers: Florence Nightingale, Dalai Lama
The Priest: Priests are responsible for the values, morals and ethics in society. They are visionaries and they want to make a difference.
Famous Priests: St. Joan of Arc, Martin Luther King, Jr., Princess Diana
The Warrior: Warriors actively seek and relish challenge, adventure and any opportunity for action. Their aim is to get results.
Famous Warriors: Ernest Hemingway, Hillary Clinton, Jane Fonda
The King: Kings are natural leaders. They stand out from the crowd with their imposing presence, and their charisma is felt by everyone they meet.
Famous Kings: John F. Kennedy, Madonna
The Scholar: Scholars stand alone on their axis as seekers after truth. They can be found on the cutting edge of any branch of learning.
Famous Scholars: Socrates, Christopher Columbus
*Excerpted from 7 Personality Types: Discover Your True Role in Achieving Success and Happiness by Elizabeth Puttick, Ph.D. © 2009 (Hay House)
RRP: $24.95
Available December 2009 at leading bookstores