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Are you attracting what you really want into your life?

The Law of Attraction can change your life today

Popular Australian movie The Secret touched on Universal Laws that unlocked the secret to why sometimes our life just doesn’t go the way we want it to-in fact we often get what we DON’T want.

The information in The Secret was based on information provided by authors Esther and Jerry Hicks over more than 20 years: The Law of Attraction.

According to the Law of Attraction, there are laws that govern the Universe and it is possible to make these laws work to your advantage. You can learn how to use the Law of Attraction to help you achieve all you’ve ever dreamed, and understand how to stay focused in order to get to where you want to be.

The core of the Law of Attraction philosophy is that the purpose of life is to be happy and to achieve everything you desire – and the Law of Attraction can help you do this.

The Law of Attraction is also a way of thinking about the world, yourself, and others around you, and can help you to understand how everything in the Universe really is connected!

Esther and Jerry Hicks 2008 Australian tour was a sell-out, and their 2009 tour is selling fast.

The 2009 workshop takes the format of an open forum, where members of the audience will be chosen by Abraham to ask their personal questions – no topic is off limits!

Join Esther and Jerry Hicks for this captivating all-day workshop where they will offer you all the tools to attract whatever you want in your life – all through the inspiring, thought-provoking and life-changing wisdom of Abraham!

Abraham says: ‘It is our desire to help you to solve the mystery of those seemingly impossible relationships; to sort out the details of joyously sharing your planet with billions of others; to rediscover the beauty of your differences; and, most of all, to reestablish the most important relationship of all: your relationship with the Eternal, Non-Physical Source that is really you. It is our desire that you experience an enhanced appreciation of your planet; your body; your family; your friends; your enemies; your government; your systems; your food; your finances.

WHAT: Law of Attraction: Discovering the Power of the Vortex

A One-Day Workshop with Abraham and Esther and Jerry Hicks

Date: December 13, 2009
Time: 10:00am – 5:00pm
Presented by: Hay House Australia
Location: Bayside Auditorium, Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Sydney, NSW
MORE INFO: www.hayhouse.com.au