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Awakening the Chakras | 9 week course



A journey into Self, using creative visualisation, music and dance, this 9-week cycle is designed to help participants to explore, experience and balance their own chakras, and is more indepth than the 8 week cycle.
It starts with an introductory overview, and goes on to focus on the seven major chakras in turn (one per week) before culminating in an integration session.
Although music and dance form the primary focus, sessions also include sensing, working with elements and colours, guided visualisations and short meditations.
This class runs for 2 hours, 1 night per week, over 9 weeks.

From: Monday 28th April

Time: 6.30 – 8.30pm

Where: Om Shanti College, Griffith Shops

Cost: $250 ($225 if booked and paid before 14 April)

For more information email Michelle.

For bookings email Om Shanti College.