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Baby Boomers get the blues in hilarous play

Baby Boomers get the Blues

"There ought to be a university course. How to answer a woman!" Bob – baby boomer blues

If you’re looking for respite from your own life dramas, the Q’s Baby Boomer Blues will put a new perspective on life and love and all the joys and tribulations that go along with married life! This particular partnership is further challenged by a tropical holiday, a karaoke talent quest and a typhoon!

Baby Boomer Blues is an entertaining portrayal of married life and a baby boomer couple’s search for fulfilment. This tongue in cheek comedy focuses on their marital tribulations as Bob’s business fails and Carol takes over as the breadwinner. The unexpected role swap has surprising results for their marriage, further complicated by Bob’s quest for the meaning of life.
Theatre Australia says the play is original and exceptionally funny. Beautifully written and delivered.

Written and originally directed by Perth Theatre Company’s award winning late Artistic Director Alan Becher, baby boomer blues is Directed by the highly respected stalwart of West Australian theatre Jenny McNae, the production is supported by the creative talents of designer Steve Nolan, lighting designer Lucy Birkinshaw and sound designer Roly Skender. Acclaimed Perth actor Greg McNeill plays the role of baby boomer Bob.

Sessions 8pm from 26 June – 1 July; matinees at 2pm 27 & 28 June.
Tickets: $27 – $47 (Matinee 28 June $25) by phoning The Q Box Office on 62980290 or visit www.theq.net.au