I am an avid attender of meetings of the Australian Labor Party here in Canberra. I learnt early as a young man that the rough and tumble of life meant that to stand up for personal issues, especially human rights, intellectual freedom and opportunity to go forward (some times crawl I must admit) was needed for the planet to be a better place.
I have always stood for and occasionally fallen on my own sword when not up to the mustard when events seemed beyond me. Sometimes evets still are.
Unfortunately at a late meeting of the Australian Labor Party 19 March, gearing up for an important conference concerning housekeeping for our future I was led to believe that MLAs had been instructed to confuse me because of my strong role in international relations.
I am seeking clarification. The tipster was Minister Andrew Barr. Hopefully he man was being helpful.
I think by now the community and the Australian Labor Party accept I play an approriate and important role in developing realtions with other communities as well as resolving impossible to solve situations from time such as the negotiations leading to the end of the Vietnam conflict, the cessation of hostilities between Palestine, Egypt and Israel (President Carter) and of course the evolution of democratic government in South Africa.
The success of any body in these areas should be applauded. Personally I am quite proud.