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Boom and Bust


We are in the last phase of the "Boom" where extreme wealth is transferred from the ignorant to the informed.

Which will you be?
Do you care?
Are you interested?

Are you happy just to sit and watch opportunity pass you by because it’s just to hard to do anything about it? No, I’m not trying to sell you an investment property, you can find those on different sites on the internet or listed with specific real estate agents.

I would like to encourage you to think and live outside the confines of ‘mainstream thought’.

Be daring, go against the flow. Consider making decisions outside of the ‘pack mentality’ in your life.

Does fear hold you back?

Do you want to work to earn your "daily bread" for the rest of your life or would you prefer to allow money in the form of property investments, work for you?

"it’s a life style thing" I hear you say. well, it depends on how you look at your life and what you want from it.