Home Girls/Womens Buffalo Stars GO PINK

Buffalo Stars GO PINK


The Buffalo Stars Hockey Organization will GO PINK for the month of October as they do their part for Cancer Awareness Month.  Over the course of 30 days every team in the Buffalo Stars Organization will have some type of function to raise awareness of Cancer as well as raise funds for the American Cancer Society.

The Stars will kick off the month a day early as they take part in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk-a-Thon on Sunday, September 30th. You can do your part either through participation or donation by going to this link: https://secure3.convio.net/tacs/site/SPageServer?donate=1&pagename=MSABC_FY13_TR_event_search&fr_id=47319  and then enter: Buffalo Stars Hockey.

Our month long participation will end on Saturday, October 27th as we conduct our Annual Health & Fitness Night at Holiday Twin Rinks. The night will feature various participants from the local Health, Wellness and Fitness Community. The main event that evening will be our Annual Blood Drive for UNYTS (Upstate NY Transplant Services).

Throughout the month of October, All Buffalo Stars teams will participate in some type of fundraiser such as bake sales, skate-a-thons, and other activities.

Buffalo Stars Teams are also selling Pink Bracelets for $3 and Paper Ribbons for a donation of any amount. The Paper Ribbons will be hung on the Buffalo Stars Office and the goal is to cover the entire office with ribbons. Again, all proceeds go to the American Cancer Society.

The Stars U16 Midget Team and Empire Junior Team will also wear pink jerseys on Saturday, October 27th as they play host to Team Ohio in non league action. The jerseys will later be auctioned off with proceeds going to the American Cancer Society.

All Buffalo Stars Players will also wear Pink Skate laces the entire month of October as a show of support for Cancer Survivors and Patients.

For a complete list of activities visit the Buffalo Stars at: www.buffalostars.com