Home Youth Buffalo Stars Squirt & Peewee Hockey Tryouts

Buffalo Stars Squirt & Peewee Hockey Tryouts




(Cheektowaga, NY) –  The Buffalo Stars  will conduct ice hockey tryouts for the 2013-2014 season starting Monday, March 11th for birth year players 2004 through 2001.


Tryouts will take place as follows:


Monday, March 11th Holiday Rinks 7:30pm for 2004 and 2003 birth year and 8:30pm for 2002 and 2001 birth year.


Tuesday, March 12th at Hyde Park Ice Rink in Niagara Falls: 5pm for 2004 and 2003 birth year and 6pm for 2001 birth year.


Wednesday, March 13th at Holiday Rinks 5:15pm for 2002 birth year.  


Players attending the tryouts will need a release from their current organization to participate in the tryout. Tryout participants should arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled ice time.


For more information about the Buffalo Stars visit us on line at: www.buffalostars.com or contact us at 685-1122