Home Youth Calling all Mental Health Consumers & Carers

Calling all Mental Health Consumers & Carers


Hello Friends,

Do you want to give others insight into your life with a mental illness and help change how people see you as a Mental Health Consumer or Carer?

I would like to invite you to do so through sharing your personal experiences with mental illness?

I am putting together a manuscript of personal experiences with mental illness for free distribution to Carers, Consumers, Educators and Clinicians, in hope of increasing awareness and reducing stigma surrounding mental illness AND it would be great to include your story.

The manuscript is called Glimpses – A compilation of uncensored real life experiences with Mental Illness; a free updated version is distributed electronically quarterly.
I am inviting you to submit your Consumer or Carer story on your personal experiences with: – Anxiety Disorder Anorexia Bipolar Borderline Personality Disorder Depression Obsessive Compulsive Disorder PTSD Schizophrenia Any other MI I have overlooked

The average length of stories so far have been 6 to 15 pages. However I do have those that are 3 pages and one that is 32 pages long.

I would like you to write about your lead up to diagnosis, dealing with MH Services, medication issues, identifying triggers, working towards recovery and coping strategies. What and how much you want to share is up to you. Use your whole name, first name or a pseudonym, the choice is yours; but please know that your story, however you present it, could make a difference in how the world sees us.

Next revised issue will be distributed mid October. Please email me if you would like to be added or removed from the distribution list.

Email, post or fax your story to:-

Nicci Wall

[email protected]

c/o 43 Browallia Drive

Rose Park Vic 3214

Fax: 03 5222 6847



Nicci Wall

Consumer and Carer

Mental Health Advocate