Home Youth Can Someone's Clutter turn into Someone Else's Treasure?

Can Someone's Clutter turn into Someone Else's Treasure?


By Roseline DELEU, International Feng Shui Master, Best selling Author and Inspirational Speaker

Who does not enjoy browsing in pre loved shops in search for a good bargain?

Keep in mind that the 2nd hand goods are carrying subtle energies, storing memories of their previous owners, their moods, their vibrations, their energies, their laughter, their joy too of course! Displaying pre-loved items in your home will have an impact on your life; so follow these suggestions to take essential precautions.

    1. Mirrors

To my understanding and my perception, and… having visited and consulted so many houses over the past 17 years, I can tell you that mirrors are real gateways to spirits. They also act like sponges and ‘keep in mind’ all what happened in their vicinity. This is one of the reasons why having mirrors in a bedroom (new or old mirrors) can be disturbing your sleep, having babies waking up at night crying for no obvious reason. Do you have a mirror reflecting your body when laying in bed? It is recommended to cover it during your rest.

Mirror ‘As New’ -> Need to be perfectly flat and levelled – any distorted mirror will reflect a distorted view of your persona. Tiled mirrors can only ‘cut’ you into pieces and could have a subtle impact on the reason why you are loosing self-confidence.

Mirror ‘Second Hand’ -> Has to be cleansed thoroughly to remove as much as possible from its past memories.

Two steps are essential:

Step 1 – Use cleaning product (e.g. Windex) OR a few drops of vinegar and salted water + paper towel to give a sparkle AND make sure that you add your intent of cleansing all memories from this newly bought item.

Step 2 – Put the mirror outside on your lawn facing up during the full moon to remove any old energy.

   2. Furniture

Inherited wooden furniture, vintage and antique items also have their own stories and past memories. Clean the wood with professional products adding your intent of clearing the vibes and energies of the previous owners. Whenever possible, put outside overnight in the full moon if too heavy to move out, repeat the first clearing suggestion  for  9 consecutive weeks (one day a week).

   3. Jewellery

A dear friend of mine offered me a gorgeous real pearl necklace over 100 years old that she had received herself from an old and dear friend. As soon as I put it around my neck to show her how good it looked on me, I felt strangled. To avoid hurting her feelings, I did not mention anything about this incident but simply asked what had happened to her friend. She was a sad lady who went though tough times in concentration camps during the 2nd World War. Her life sadness was carried in the pearls. I decided to cleanse this necklace several times during the full moons with respect of who she was and what she had lived. Today I wear it proudly for special occasions without feeling any negative effects and feeling very special to have such a valuable item from someone who I now better understand, respect and honour.
   4. Clothes

To get rid of the energies stored in second hand clothes, simply wash them before wearing. Buying leather or suede clothes are more difficult to cleanse as perspiration together with memories cannot be washed out; put those items regularly in the full moon.

    5. Decorative items

Only display in your home items in perfect condition. Avoid buying craft goods without knowing “the mission” that the craftsman gave to them – by this I mean warrior masks, African amulets and assimilated.

I recall a story of a lady whose boy friend avoided sleeping at her place. Checking her bedroom she had displayed on each side of the bed two large PNG warrior masks that were protecting her… they did their job! When she removed them, the boy friend decided to move in within that week.

Now, feel and have another look at the items displayed in your home; what do they remind you of? Do you feel happy with each of them or is t time to prepare a bag and drop some at the Charity shops. Enjoy your de-cluttering!

Roseline Deleu, International Feng Shui Master and Best Selling Author 0412 717 454
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Upcoming Trainings with Roseline Deleu:

11 -15 JANUARY 2010 – CANBERRA and surrounding NSW

15 – 19 MARCH 2010 – BRISBANE and SE QLD

Feng Shui 5 day Practitioner Certificate Course – with Roseline Deleu see her website for full details.