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Centrelink goes with the Mo

Centrelink ''Mo-Captain'' Warwick Ellis with his Mo-team

Centrelink employees all over Canberra have relinquished their razors this month, joining a nationwide fundraising effort for Movember 2008.

Almost 50 local Centrelink staff have joined thousands of ‘MoBros’, ‘MoSistas’ and ‘MoTeams’ across the country this Movember, growing a moustache to raise awareness of men’s health issues.

The main objective of the Movember campaign is to improve the state of men’s health, primarily by raising the community’s awareness of health issues affecting men, specifically prostate cancer and depression.

Centrelink’s Movember Captain, Warwick Ellis from the National Support Office in Tuggeranong said it’s a great opportunity to raise funds for an excellent cause.

“All the money raised will go to the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia and beyondblue, the national depression initiative, so they can reach their aims of improving the state of men’s health,” Warwick said.

“Last year Centrelink was one of the top 30 fundraisers in Australia, raising over $14,000. This year we’re aiming even higher, with almost eighty MoBros and MoSistas registered.

“Centrelink always tries to get involved in events that embody community spirit, and this is just another example of the generous spirit of Centrelink staff in the ACT.”

Movember spokesperson, Luke Slattery, co-founding director and original Mo Bro said he was pleased with Centrelink’s continued dedication to the initiative.

“It is great to see MoBros and Sistas at Centrelink are getting behind Movember again this year,” Luke said.

“Centrelink’s support in 2007 meant they were part of a phenomenal effort which saw 96,000 Australians raise over $15 million for our charity partners, The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia and beyondblue: the national depression initiative.”