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CIT to receive $6 million for sustainable building


Senator for the ACT, Kate Lundy has today welcomed Australian Government funding of $6,184,218 to the CIT campus in Bruce. This funding builds on $3.1 million investment CIT received earlier this month under the better TAFE Facilities Program. 

“This funding will pay for the construction of a new sustainable building at CIT’s Bruce campus, providing green jobs, practical hands-on training of sustainable skills in science and engineering; and up skilling of existing workers,” Senator Lundy said.

“The funds will be provided as part of the $200 million Training Infrastructure Investment for Tomorrow element of the Teaching and Learning Capital Fund (TIIFT) for Vocational Education and Training.

“TIIFT will enhance TAFEs’ capacity to up-skill and re-skill Australians for a productive future. Projects under the TIIFT will particularly focus on skills for a sustainable future, including the emerging green skills sector, and industries affected by climate change.”

TAFEs across Australia will receive grants in the 2009–10 financial year to upgrade or develop infrastructure, plant and equipment to skill Australians for the future.

Senator Lundy said that the additional funding for CIT will provide a welcome boost to the Canberra region and will help to keep the region working.

“This will help to secure economic activity, assist in addressing the impacts of the economic downturn and increase the capacity of the local training sector over the longer term to meet future skills needs,” Senator Lundy said.

The announcement of funding through the Training Infrastructure Investment for Tomorrow is the second element of the $500 million Teaching and Learning Capital Fund for Vocational Education and Training.

The Australian Government announced in December 2008 that this funding is part of a $4.7 billion nation-building infrastructure package to support Australia’s economy.

The Bruce project is subject to final contract negotiations.

Media Contact: Annika Hutchins 0407 458 882