next to Claremont Oval.
The plans stipulated that all new multi-storey buildings in the de- velopment would have to have below-ground and basement parking for occupants.
Claremont this week released its much-anticipated blueprint for the 9.4ha area north of the rail- way line that will set Claremont’s shape for the next century. Structure plans for the precinct will be shown to the public from this week, after the council voted to advertise the plans and seek public comment on them at this week’s council meeting.
The council has a statutory obligation to advertise the plans for a minimum of 21 days, and commenced this 21-day period from Friday this week. "The release of the Proposed Structure Plan is a significant mile- stone which will pave the way for transforming the poorly-utilised north-east precinct into a vi- brant centre with excellent access to public transport and improved pedestrian connectivity with the town centre," Claremont’s mayor Peter Olson said.
"We look forward to further in- volving the community in refin- ing the plan as we head towards the final planning approval." Widespread advertising of the plan would ensure that members of the community had the oppor- tunity to present their views and give input via public submissions before the plan was presented to Claremont’s councillors for formal