Home College Colgate Tops RIT in Women’s Hockey

Colgate Tops RIT in Women’s Hockey


By Janet Schultz, NYHOL

The Colgate Women’s ice hockey team took charge over the RIT women in Friday nights game at the Gene Polisenni Center in Rochester.

Avery Pickering dropped one in at 11:52 of the first period and Kristyna Kaltounkova added the second at 15:45 to end the first 2-0.

Then it was Kaia Malachine scoring for Colgate at 26 seconds of the second period and that closed out the second at 3-0.

In the third period RIT came out ready for some action and Emma Pickering scored at 6:10 of the third period to put a goal on the boards for RIT. However, Kaltounkova added another for Colgate and then Sara Stewart sealed the win with a fifth goal.

Adding assists Friday night for Colgate were Emma Pais (2), Jamimee Spring, Elyssa Biderman (2), Casey Bargiei, Neena Brick and Alexia Aubin.

RIT goalie Sophia Bellina got the assist on RIT’s goal. She faced 29 SOG. For Colgate Hannah Murphy stopped 16 of 17.

Photo Album by Janet Schultz© NYHOL. No reproduction, copying or downloading without permission of NYHOL.


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