Home Uncategorized Democrats Condemn Gaza Invasion : Sunday 4 January, 2009: 9.46pm

Democrats Condemn Gaza Invasion : Sunday 4 January, 2009: 9.46pm

Darren Churchill - ACT Democrats President

ACT Australian Democrats president, Darren Churchill says he is appalled by the Federal government’s lack of leadership over Israel’s invasion of Gaza.

Last week, Israel launched attacks on civilian targets in Gaza killing more than 300 Palestinians, including women and children and injuring 1000 others. Today, Israeli tanks and infantry rolled into Gaza as a full scale offensive began.

Mr Churchill has called on acting Prime Minister Julia Gillard to show some leadership. “How far does this obscenity of war have to go before the Australian government speaks out and condemns it?” queried Mr Churchill

“The targets have not been military ones. They have been police, hospitals, mosques and universities. These are innocent people!” said Mr Churchill. “It’s a violation of International Law to attack police when they are not involved in military activities”

“The beginning of the current problems is that Gaza has been strangled for some time by an Israeli blockade.” Mr Churchill continued. “Israel’s blockade of Gaza for the last two years means that injured Palestinians will die because of lack of medical supplies.”

“These are blatant abuses of human rights. Australia must condemn the attacks. We must condemn the invasion.”

“Australia must stand up for humanity, justice and truth. War is the ultimate obscenity. The action taken by Israel is obscene! It is time for the Rudd-Gillard government to show some leadership on this important issue of international human rights.” Mr Churchill concluded.

Darren Churchill
ACT Democrats President
[email protected]
Tel: 0412 196 473