Home Youth Effective Muscle Toning

Effective Muscle Toning


A popular and desirable fitness training goal is the increase in muscle tone. Quite often you will hear that an individual’s purpose towards their fitness training is to not only lose weight but to also increase the definition of what is their skeletal muscle. If the correct approach is taken, following factual training techniques and information; increases in muscle tone are very achieving outcomes. 

Let’s start at the simplest point; to improve muscle tone you must both increase the size of the muscle and well reduce body fat levels. This is a simple fact!


What bodybuilders and strength and conditioning athletes and coaches have known for a long time is that to increase the size of a muscle it must be placed under progressive amounts of stimulus. What practical application and scientific research has shown is that by following the platform structure of hypertrophy weight training an individual will increase the size of skeletal muscle. Hypertrophy weight training consists of 3 to 4 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions, at a weight whereby you will be all but completing the final repetition that your body and will power can complete within this repetition range.

However, for someone just starting weight training it is important that they complete two initial phases before moving into their hypertrophy program. Firstly you will need to complete a phase of initial strength training. Initial strength training can be completed with the same repetition and set range as hypertrophy training, but with a more moderate weight, whereby you are comfortably completing your repetitions. Your second phase will be one whereby you will be strengthening your neural pathways, enabling more efficient recruitment of muscle fibres; known as neural strength training. Neural strength training consist of heavy weight – low repetition training; 2 to 5 repetitions over 3 to 5 sets with long breaks between sets. If following these two initial phases you will be stronger in your hypertrophy phase, consequently lifting heavier weight to facilitate increases in muscle growth.

Nutrition will also play a vital role in the effectiveness of your muscle toning program. It is recommended for increases in skeletal muscle mass that an intake of between 1.4 to 1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight be consumed on a daily basis. For example, if someone weights 70 kilograms they will look to consume 98 (70 x 1.4 = 98) to 119 (70 x 1.7 = 119) grams of protein per day. This can quite simply be consumed through a combination of strategic and well planed daily food intake, as well as protein drink supplementation. Additionally, a one hour window exists post training for protein consumption which is highly effective. Pre training nutrition should consists of high glycemic index (GI) carbohydrates (to raise sugar levels for training stimulus), as well as a supplement such as caffeine to stimulate the central nervous system. Out of training should be covered with low fat, low GI foods to enable even flow calorie intake.

An often not realised but extraordinarily effective addition to your weight training based muscle toning program is the addition of boxing training. This original form – out of practical application -of fitness training will assist in the effective recruitment of fast twitch muscle fibres; which effectively form the basis of strength and conditioning training. You can combine a mixture of explosive punching on the heavy bag or handpads, and constant flow drill based work. Additionally Muay Thai also provides similar benefits for lower body work with the inclusion of kicking and knee strikes.

Quite often heard from females is the fear of ungainly increases in muscle mass if they complete a weight training based fitness training program. This line of thought is an extreme misconception. Increases in muscle mass certainly don’t happen just by picking up a dumbbell, quite the contrary in fact. Females will actually find it more difficult than men to put increases in muscle mass on their testosterone reduced and ectomorph frames. If a female wanted to increase muscle tone then they must do all that is required.

As initially mentioned, reduction in body fat will additionally pave the way for visually increased muscle tone. If you follow the outlined principles above you will find that by increasing your skeletal muscle mass you will be raising your daily energy requirements (Basil Metabolism) which has the consequence of reducing body fat levels.

Two muscle toning fitness training myths to recognise – and then ignore – are the use of high repetition weight training, and the fallacy of spot body fat reduction. High repetition weight training is only useful for endurance specific training, not a highly desirable weight training outcome. Results from endurance weight training for increasing muscle tone will be little to none at all. The thought of simultaneously reducing body fat and increasing muscle tone is a specific area is also a fallacy. Body fat will not magically disappear in a particular area just because you are exercising it.

If you follow these simple concepts with it placed in a well structured program you will enable yourself the best possible opportunity to see genuine increases in muscle mass, body fat reduction; and overall effective muscle toning.