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Enchanting Taiwan Photo Exhibit Film Festival to be held at the Tuggeranong Arts Centre

Enchanting Taiwan Photo Exhibition

The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Canberr (TECO), in association with the Tuggeranong Arts Centre, is proud to invite you to share in the wonders and beauty of Taiwan at the "Enchanting Taiwan" photo wxhibition. This captivating photo exhibition is being held from 20 March through 7 April, 2008 at the Tuggeranong Arts Centre, Cnr Reed & Cowlishaw Streets, Tuggeranong, ACT.

 The opening reception of the "Enchanting Taiwna Photo Exhitition" and "Taiwan Film Festival" will be held from 6:30 pm on 27 March, co-hosted by Dr. Gary Song-huann Lin – the Representative of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Australia and Ms. Evol McLeod, the Director of the Tuggeranong Arts Centre. The reception will feature an introduction tot he photographs of Taiwan and morden Taiwanese films.

 "Enchanting Taiwan" is a compliation of photographs by Taiwan’s premier photographers. These artists have focused their cameras on Taiwan’s exquisite landscape, and on the lives and customs of the people who have created a lively and diverse society on the beautiful island. Everyone is most welcome to enjoy the evening and we invite you to join us as we introduce the beauty of Taiwan.

 The three films selected for this year’s Taiwan film festival are: Island Etude (2006), Chocolate Rap (2005), and The Shoe Fairy (2006). These films reflect the unique style of each director and their observations and interpretations of love and life. The screenings are:

  •   27 March, 7:30 pm – Island Etude
  •   28 March, 2:00 pm – Chocolate Rap
  •   28 March, 7:30 pm – The Shoe Fairy

 Island Etude is a Taiwanese film directed by En Chen. The story follows the travels of a young man around Taiwan on his bike. The movie shows the beauty of Taiwan, and is Taiwan’s official entry to the Academy Awards. In capturing the spirit of Taiwan, this exceptional film is definitely not to be missed.

 The Shoe Fairy is a lighthearted love story with a charming dose of fairy tale elements, and starts the delightful Vivian Hsu who plays a girl who is completely enamored with shoes. This film won the Best Art Direction at the 42nd Golden Horse Awards and one of the films from the Focus First Cuts series, The Shoe Fairy will take you on a journey through the colourful land of fairytales, in serch of true love and happiness.

 Chocolate Rap tells a very interesting story about a young hip hop dancer’s success.

 For more information, please contact the TECO Information Division on 02-61201030