Final Health Update



    First, I would like to apologize for not posting this earlier.

    I never realized that when I posted in my original story, “A Different View of Cancer,” that it would take so long to get test results back after my surgery on August 20th.

    The bottom line to all of this is that all the news turned out to be all good. The surgery went well with any possible cancer left being removed. That area is now totally clear.

    As for the Lymph Node test, that came back negative and clear of any cancer. I will go back in a few months to get a check-up and continue that process with Roswell Park for the next 10 years.

    To all of you out there who have sent me notes, I owe all of you a huge “THANK YOU.” All of your kind words, thoughts and prayers were, and still are, deeply appreciated. I, nor my wife, Janet, will never forget any of you.

    Thanks to all of the doctors, nurses, technologists, receptionists and volunteers that worked with me over the past two months.

    One final “Thank you” goes to my wife, Janet. She was like a rock through this whole experience and has always been there for me. She is the best wife and friend a husband could ever ask for.

    Finally, as I stated in my original article, please remember three things:

    • Listen to your body
    • Watch your body
    • Don’t take life for granted

    Thanks to all of you again. I’m a very blessed individual.

    See you at the rink!