“A crash curve carnival of Bearded Ladies, Japanese Serpent Warriors, Italian Stallions, spike covered Showgirls with sharp teeth, trembling Victorian spinsters, Bodice Ripping Adventuresses, Apocalyptic Beasts in shredded fishnets and towering stilts.”
If you like your theatre to be packed in a neat little box with a predictable beginning, middle and end, don’t venture out for this one.
However, if you like to be shocked, confused, titillated and outraged simultaneously, then you won’t want to miss the Street Theatre’s seaon of The Burlesque Hour commencing on February 10.
Burlesque is described as a humorous theatrical entertainment involving parody and sometimes grotesque exaggeration-and this show pushes the genre’s envelope to its extremes.
Described as part circus and sideshow, showgirl and showstopper, striptease and cartoon strip, boho and butoh, music hall, gothic spectacle and mayhem all set to an electric eclectic soundtrack from hardcore industrial to kitschy Jap-pop, it’s highly likely you’ve never seen anything like this before.
Starring internationally acclaimed Queen of Cabaret Bizarre, Moira Finucane; Japanese butoh dancer and shock cabaret artiste Yumi Umiumare; Circus and burlesque star Azaria Universe, elegant iconoclast Maude Davey with her infamous and fabled Strawberry Act, the Burlesque Hour packed the Sydney Opera House.
If you like your theatre to be packed in a neat little box with a predictable beginning, middle and end, don’t go to see The Burlesque Hour.
If you are fascinated by the extremes to which theatre performance can bend itself and don’t mind nudity and striptease, book early, because this internationally acclaimed show is selling fast!
On at the Street Theatre Tuesday 10 February–Thursday 12th February, Tickets $32/$29; Friday 13th— Saturday 14th all tickets $35 (shows at 7pm and 9pm on Saturday) Bookings essential phone 02 6247 1519 or go tot www.thestreet.org.au.
Recommended: 16+ age restriction for this event; it contains nudity and partial nudity.