Home College Former Manhattanville Hockey Players Will Be In Wall St. Decathlon

Former Manhattanville Hockey Players Will Be In Wall St. Decathlon


PURCHASE, N.Y.- Former Manhattanville Hockey players JP Witkop (Fairport, N.Y.) ’14, Joel Rosenberg (Sigtuna, Sweden) ’15 and Paul Sirignano (St. Catharines, Ont.) ’15 will be representing Team Aaron Conquers at the Wall Street Decathlon on June 13 in hopes of raising money for pediatric cancer while also testing their strength and mental fortitude.

Witkop and his brother Ethan suffered the loss of their cousin Aaron Witkop to Osteosarcoma, which is a form of bone cancer most prevalent in young adults. Aaron was 13 years old when he passed away, but had a major influence on the lives of both JP and Ethan. The Witkop brothers, alongside Rosenberg and Sirignano, will compete in the Wall Street Decathlon to raise money for pediatric cancer research at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

The competition consists of NFL combine style events that test strength, speed, endurance and agility. Some of the events include a 400-meter run, 40-yard dash, 500-meter stationary run and a 175-lb bench press competition.

“With our current team, I am very confident in our abilities to have a strong showing in the athletic portion of the competition,” said Witkop. “However, one-third of our total score is how much money we raise.”