Home High School Forthcoming Socialist Alternative meetings in Canberra

Forthcoming Socialist Alternative meetings in Canberra


The Canberra branch of Socialist Alternative holds regular political meetings and discussions.You don’t have to be a member of Socialist Alternative to attend – everyone is welcome to come along and check us out.

We meet at 6 pm every Thursday, room G039 Copland Building, Australian National University (except for the Egyptian Socialist Mamdouh Habashi who will talk on Wednesday 8 April. See below for details.)

19 March Socialist Educational: Could there be a revolution in Australia?



26 March The history of Australian anti-war struggles


2 April Afghanistan is not the ‘good war’

8 April Egyptian socialist Mamdouh Habashi speaks: Israel, Palestine and struggles in the Arab world

email: [email protected] or visit www.sa.org.au