Home High School Grants supporting diversity within our community now open

Grants supporting diversity within our community now open


Senator for the ACT, Kate Lundy has encouraged people of Canberra to support and apply for community grants under the 2009 Diverse Australia Program (DAP) and National Action Plan to Build of Social Cohesion, Harmony and Security (NAP).

The grants are aimed at addressing cultural, racial and religious intolerance and promote understanding within the Australian community.

The grants offer more than $2 million in funding for projects which address issues of racism and intolerance.

Community grants of between $5000 and $50 000 are available for major projects that are up to 12 months in length and are able to start from late 2009. In addition, after its success last year, the Government will again offer a grants round for smaller organisations.

Applications for funding are open to not-for-profit organisations such as school communities, service clubs, sporting bodies, ethnic communities, youth organisations, local government authorities, and universities.

“I encourage local community organisations who have an idea or concept for strengthening social cohesion either within Canberra or nationally, to put forward a proposal for the grants,” Senator Lundy said.

Applications for the grants open on the 11 April and must be lodged with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship by 6pm EST, 8 May 2008. For further information visit www.harmony.gov.au/funding (for guidelines and application forms) or contact Diverse Australia Program funding hotline 1800 782 002.

Media contact: Annika Hutchins on 0407 458 882