Home High School Help celebrate national Premmie Day July 25th 2008

Help celebrate national Premmie Day July 25th 2008

Kyra born 14 weeks premature

From little things, BIG THINGS GROW
National Premmie Day
July 25th 2008

The National Premmie Foundation announces the
2nd Annual National Premmie Day
with celebrations occurring Australia wide for the births of
our smallest and most vulnerable newborns.

Each year approximately 42,000 newborns are admitted to Special and Intensive Care Nurseries across Australia and you can be their voice this year.
July 25th, 2008 is the day to celebrate with our Little Aussie Battlers –
Our premature or seriously ill infants as well as
remember those special babies who did not survive their journey.

The day coincides with Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) season,
a common virus that causes cold like symptoms.
For prematurely born and seriously ill infants, RSV is a serious health threat
often resulting in re hospitalisation or forced isolation to families.
By the age of 2 all children will have been infected with RSV at least once and we want to make parents aware of the signs and symptoms of RSV.

The National Premmie Foundation invites parents of premature and sick newborns to hold a National Premmie Day event in their local community.
Support and information for families, carers and health professionals is available at www.prembaby.org.au or by calling 1300 PREMBABY 1300 773 622.

Reporter enquiries are welcome –
Please contact Amanda Lonergan on 0407 522 877 or [email protected]