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Hockey, Figure Skating & Cornerstone Training Center Outside Training

The staff are thrilled to welcome you back to Cornerstone CFCU Arena, the coolest place in town!  While we are not open for full operations at this time, we are offering limited skating opportunities for figure skaters and hockey players, and outdoor performance training with Coach Dorian. 

As restrictions are lifted we will keep you posted as to when we can welcome back our public skating and ice bumper car patrons. Our current offerings include four hours of figure skating free-style ice daily Monday – Friday, Skills & Drills hockey clinics on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Power Skating for all ages on Thursdays, and daily performance training sessions with Coach Dorian Monday – Friday. 

This week, we are excited to be adding four hours of Skate & Shoot sessions on Wednesdays and Fridays.  All of our offerings require pre-registration through our website www.cornerstoneicearena.com/registration  These sessions have limited numbers of participants to comply with current restrictions of group sizes.  

The cost for offerings is as follows:Free Style Ice – $14/hour, $110/10 hour card, $200/20 hour card (max. 20 skaters per hour)Skills & Drills – $15/session, skaters & $20/session, goalies (max. 20 skaters per hour)Power Skating – $15/session, (max. 20 skaters per hour)Skate & Shoot- $10/skater, goalies are free (max. 16 skaters & 4 goalies)Cornerstone Training Center Outdoor Performance Training – $8/ session (max. 10 people per hour).

All ages and fitness levels welcome. No membership fee.  As part of pre-registration, you will electronically sign the Cornerstone CFCU Arena waiver.  For us to maintain everyone’s safety, we will require all customers to adhere to our new guidelines.  These guidelines will be emailed to customers after pre-registration is complete.  General guidelines for all patrons include:To participate in skating sessions and maintain safe numbers of skaters on the ice, skaters must reserve their ice session(s) in advance via www.cornerstoneicearena.com/registration . 

No reservation, no admission.All participants are skating at will.  By participating, skaters acknowledge they are feeling healthy, do not have a fever (temperature over 100.4 degrees) and can honestly answer “have not” to the CDC screening questions “Have you experienced: (1) COVID-19 symptoms in past 14 days, (2) positive COVID-19 test in past 14 days, and/or (3) close or proximate contact with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case in past 14 days.”

Only participating skaters may enter the facility – no spectators, parents, coaches.Skaters may not arrive more than 15 minutes prior to their scheduled ice time and must enter through the Market Street entrance (lower level).Skaters may enter the building with a small duffle bag containing helmet, gloves, water bottle and skates.

All other equipment must be worn into the building. (Hockey)Skaters that cannot tie their own skates should enter with their skates tied and guards in place.Skaters must wear a mask when entering and exiting the building.Skaters must use the hand sanitizer station prior to entering through the second doorway.Once in the building, skaters should follow the directional floor arrows directly to Heinrich arena. 

The arena door will be propped open for convenience.Locker rooms will not be available.  Skaters will be assigned one of the chairs (spaced 6’+ apart) surrounding the arena to keep their belongings, change skates/remove guards, store masks, etc. Just prior to taking the ice, skaters may remove their masks and properly secure their helmets. (Hockey)Spitting will not be tolerated anywhere within the facility.

Skaters should bring their own water bottles clearly labeled with their names.Players’ benches and penalty boxes are not in use.As much as possible, skaters should maintain 6′ social distancing on and off the ice.After session is complete, skaters have 10 minutes to change skates, retrieve belongings and exit.When leaving rink area, skaters should again utilize the hand sanitizer station, then follow the directional arrows for exiting.Payments can be made via credit card by calling the arena in advance (716)438-7698, or in person with cash/check in a sealed envelope with skater’s information on the outside. 

Payments will be collected as skaters enter the arena.  If registering for multiple sessions, one payment can be made on the first day, if preferred.
Register here