Home High School Increase in HACC funding for ACT

Increase in HACC funding for ACT


ACT Senator Kate Lundy has welcomed the Federal Governments announcement that Home and Community Care (HACC) services in the ACT will get a $6.6 million dollar funding boost.

The HACC Program is a joint Australian and State/Territory Government initiative. Nationally, the Australian Government contributes 60 per cent of funding for the initiative, which is managed on a day-today basis by the State and Territory Governments.

Approval of the HACC Triennial Plan for 2008-09 to 2010-11 will provide approximately $86 million for ACT HACC services over three years. This is an increase in annual funding from over $26 million in 2008-09 to over $31 million by 2010-11.

In addition, a project approval package allocating over $3 million is being released, including $2.08 million in 2008-09 growth funds. This package will ensure that basic HACC services will continue to be provided to residents of the ACT.

Each year the HACC Program assists more than 10,000 people in the ACT, around 5 per cent of the Territories population. A growth in demand is expected as population projections show an increase in the number of people potentially requiring HACC services. 

Media contact: Annika Hutchins on 0407 458 882