Home High School Lake George Day VIEW Club scores direct hit!

Lake George Day VIEW Club scores direct hit!

June McClusky giving her presentation on the sinking of the HMAS Sydney

Our speaker for March was June McCluskey. You may have seen her photo in the Canberra Times on the morning of her presentation to the Lake George Day VIEW Club on the topic of "The sinking of the HMAS Sydney". We had a large and enthusiastic attendance of members and guests for June’s presentation in Hunnyz in  Bungendore. June lost a cousin, Bill Menzies, on the Sydney when all hands were lost off the West Australian coast on 19 November 1941. This was Australia’s largest maritime disaster. At the time the HMAS Sydney sank it was a difficult time for Australia as there were already a large number of men engaged in the war in Europe and in the second half of 1941 Japan was preparing for war. The HMAS Sydney was sunk two and a half weeks prior to the bombing of Pearl Harbour although official confirmation to the Australian public was delayed till November 30. June belongs to the "Friends and Family of the HMAS Sydney" and has provided copious information about the sinking of the Sydney through the thoroughness of her research.

We are currently accepting new members into the Lake George Day VIEW Club. Be a part of the growing number of women interested in forming new friendships, supporting each other and the Smith Family throught the "Learning for Life" Programme. For membership details or other VIEW related information please visit our blog: http://lgdviewclub.blogspot.com

Leave a comment or find out how to join our club.

Our next meeting is on Tuesday 15 April at Hunnyz Gibraltar St Bungendore 11.30 for a 12 noon start. RSVP by Friday 11 April to: lgdvc @ hotmail. com