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Local projects funded for another year


Local organisations the Alcohol and Drug Foundation, Communities@Work, Belconnen Community Service, Companion House, Marymead Child and Family Centre, Sing Australia and the Uniting Church will receive combined $705,000 in Australian Government funding over the next year. 

Senator for the ACT, Kate Lundy today welcomed the additional funding for Canberra which is part of a $19.3 million commitment to the new Community Investment Program.

“I value the enormous contribution made by these local organisations to the ACT community and this funding will enable this contribution to continue,” Senator Lundy said.

“These community organisations have been very successful in supporting vulnerable children, families and their communities.”

“The projects funded provide on the ground, practical help for people facing social and personal challenges and will strengthen communities through locally developed initiatives.

The Community Investment Program was formerly funded under the Government’s Local Answers program.


Media contact: Annika Hutchins 0407 458 882