At the Cornerstone Ice Arena, our home arena, it is expected that everyone will follow the guidelines of each arena you visit, once travel is permitted. For now, the tower (upper) entrance from Grigg Lewis Way will remain closed. All participants should enter the facility from the Market Street (lower) entrance. SELF-SCREENING PRIOR TO ENTRY:We expect all Lockport Youth Hockey Association players or family will refrain from attending any team events, or enter the arena if any of the below apply. If they do apply, then you must notify your coach or manager immediately. * After taking a temperature reading one hour prior to a scheduled event you have a temperature of 100.4 or greater;* Feeling sick or experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms (including fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea);* If you have been diagnosed with, or believe to have contracted, COVID-19, unless you have had no fever for 72 hours (without use of medicine) and 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared;* If you have been in contact with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19 within the past 14 days; and* If you have traveled internationally or to an area on the current NYS Travel Advisory list in the past 14 days. FACE COVERINGS:Every person entering the arena (over the age of 2) must wear a protective facial covering (one which fully covers their mouth and nose) at all times while inside the arena, except while skating. HAND CLEANING AND SANITIZING:Every person entering the arena must utilize usage of the hand sanitizer station in the vestibule of the Market Street entrance. Every person must again utilize the hand sanitizer station located inside each arena as they leave. Proper handwashing should be observed anytime a participant uses the bathroom facilities. SOCIAL DISTANCING:Anyone not in your household will be expected to maintain six (6) feet from others, whenever possible. FACILITY USE – PARTICIPANTS:Skaters may not arrive more than 15 minutes prior to their scheduled ice time, must enter through the Market Street entrance (lower level) and report to the assigned locker room. Skaters should select a designated seat within the locker room to keep belongings and get ready. Just prior to taking the ice, skaters may remove their masks and properly secure their helmets. Players are to wait in designated locker rooms until the ice is ready and the Zamboni doors are closed. Players will enter/exit the ice through the gate closest to their locker room. At the curfew buzzer, the team should clean up pucks, collect water bottles and immediately return to locker room. Skaters have 10 minutes to change, retrieve belongings and exit wearing a mask. When leaving arena area, skaters should again utilize the hand sanitizer station, then follow the directional arrows for exiting. * Locker room bathrooms and showers are closed. Spitting will not be tolerated anywhere within the facility. As much as possible, skaters should maintain 6′ social distancing on and off the ice.All warmup and cool down activities must be conducted outside of the rink. NO off ice or dryland training is allowed inside the facility.Skaters should bring their own water bottles (filled) and clearly labeled with their names. There will be no sharing of water bottles or equipment. Novice, 6U and 8U Mites, and 9U and 10U Squirts: Skaters may enter the building with a small duffle bag containing helmet, gloves, water bottle and skates. All other equipment must be worn into entering and exiting the building. Novice and mites will not have locker room access. FACILITY USE – ACCOMPANYING ADULT:At this time, each minor participant may be accompanied by only one (1) parent/caregiver/spectator/coach/manager. Every person entering the arena (over the age of 2) must wear a protective facial covering (one which fully covers their mouth and nose) at all times while inside the arena, except while skating. Spectators will be directed to designated areas at ice level, to observe the practice and must remain in that location, socially distanced for the duration of the ice session. No one will be permitted upstairs, or in the warming areas. The concession stand is closed at this time. NOTIFY LYHA IF ANY PLAYER TESTS POSITIVE FOR COVID-19:If any player tests positive for Covid-19, LYHA requires the parent(s) to immediately notify the Head Coach of the player’s team and the Director of Hockey, Tom Dockery at [email protected]. The Head Coach and Tom Dockery will make the decision on who needs to be notified based on who may have had contact with the player. Players that had potential contact will be requested to follow CDC guidelines which may include self-quarantine or testing. RETURN TO PLAY POLICY REGARDING COVID-19:Any player who receives a positive COVID-19 test must wait two weeks and be symptom free for a minimum of three days before returning to team activities. Any player feeling ill or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 must wait two weeks or receive a negative COVID-19 test before returning to team activities. If you believe you have been directly exposed to COVID-19, please wait two weeks, or receive a negative test before returning to team activities. ![]() |