Home Youth March 2010 Predictions

March 2010 Predictions


2010 – Year of TRUTH and INTEGRITY
Predictions for MARCH 2010  by Roseline Deleu

 CAREER -Abundance, Money and Wealth are coming your way! Simply open up your views, your ideas, your arms and remember to say “YES – THANK YOU” when it is time to receive. You used to totally ignore new opportunities that could increase your income; this month you can change this simply by saying “YES, THANK YOU” and studying the offer.
LOVE – Raiseabove! In March, you observe and take a step backwards when challenged. Insteadof confronting the other, you understand his/her point of view. Your patienceand compassion allows you to act differently by making positive choices andchoosing the right words to express yourself. Well done!

– A little challenge in your health makes you re-consider your life priorities. You are the only one to find out how to solve this health issue. Listen to your body and eliminate the unbalance. Change diet drastically to be healed in 4 to 5weeks. Blue sky comes after the rain!
WEALTH – Your roots for wealth are like mangrove roots, no matter the tide, the tree grows. In other words, for this month, you always have enough food to survive.
YOU – ‘The other is your Mirror’ – Whatever you dislike in others is the reflection of what you dislike in yourself. Fly above any criticism and focus on the positive things that life offers.

– Health issues from the past seem to have the potential of recovering faster thismonth. Recall to what emotional imbalance your disease is linked; eliminate the memories in your cells and re-program them with a ritual.

– Keep an eye open, stay quiet. This month observe your children and ideas and wait until the right moment before acting. Patience is the key.

-in March 2010, on a daily basis you are connecting with the unseen. Call them how you prefer: your angels, guides or even God – they are there to help. So,what are you waiting for?

– You now feel like a precious detailed artistic lace work. Created patiently, with a sharp eye for details, you are building your way out of what you thought was a black hole. Well done, now you are on your way to happiness!