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Milton Black's prophetic words


Book Review

By Rama Gaind

Milton Black Horoscopes 2011, By Milton Black, Published by New Holland, 448pp, $29.95

Reviewer: Rama Gaind

 With four solar eclipses and one lunar eclipse, 2011 will be a very interesting year astrologically….”

These are prophetic words from Australia’s leading astrologer and psychic Milton Black, but if his past predictions are anything to go by – then strap yourselves in for an exciting year.

Milton Black has brought together all the star signs in his 2011 guide and dishes out detailed forecasts for every month outlining best days, most stressful ones, love and friendship days and even best business days.

Find out what is your compatible star sign, your lucky numbers and how you will fare with relationships, family, luck and money. This fully comprehensive guide also highlights, love and relationships, opportunities, career and even gives advice on health and beauty.

Why not try some “moon magic” for hair care and beauty tips with moon cycles. Milton says follow the ‘secret’ method and then the moon cycles will work to your advantage. “Remember, don’t cut; only trim and condition, highlight and colour on these days….”

I’m particularly interested in my forecast which says that this year will “bring greater emotional and material security than you could possibly expect. Expect a full year full of extremes”. Even though the tempo of life is set to accelerate, “…overall 2011 will be a happy year for you”. Fingers crossed!

This compilation has a plain and simple format and is easy to follow and even cross-reference.

Exact forecasts

Renowned for his uncanny and accurate forecasts, Milton has been involved in astrology for more than four decades.

A practical and informative astrologer, broadcaster and entertainer, Milton’s predictions are appreciated by a wide international audience. An accomplished writer with published columns in several magazines including New Idea, Woman’s Day, Family Circle and Better Homes and Gardens,  he has made innumerable radio and television appearances.

He is also known for his forecasts on world politics and economics. Politicians, economists and traders have been known to visit his website to read his monthly newsletter predictions concerning future global economical trends, including subsequent stock market direction and possible overtones.

Milton is reported to have the largest full-time, private consulting practice in Australasia and his international clientele exceeds 678,000. His website attracts an average of 38 million hits per year!

Milton Black Horoscopes 2011 will provide you with the insight you need (maybe some answers too) for this year – whether it’s love, money or career opportunities. It did for me.

This is one guide that should be on your bookshelf.

Milton rightly says that destiny is in your hands. To succeed you have to show the world who you really are and what you can successfully accomplish.

Here’s hoping that this Year of the Rabbit will be quiet, giving respite after the Year of the Tiger!